Strategies to Move Your Business to the Next Level
Red I Consulting Services can help move your business to the next level. We help you strategize and maximize your abilities with your market.
Case Studies
San Diego Restorative Justice Mediation Program

The RJMP board had resigned en masse a few months earlier, except for the board chair and the organization's founder. Red I stepped in to help develop some strategy, to research how similar organizations are managed and funded, and to enact new practices.
Red I assumed executive leadership of the organization beginning in June 2008. Here are some highlights of what we've done:
+ Researched funding and program strategies, developed long-range funding and program goals.
+ Established and recruited members for Advisory Committee
+ Recruited and Trained administrative volunteers
+ Recruited members of Board of Directors
+ Managed Finances for the Organization
+ Oversaw revision of organization’s website
+ Oversaw criminal mediation process for juvenile offenders
+ Developed relationships with Probation Department, Juvenile Courts, local Police Departments, and local school districts as part of developing Program
+ Spearheaded partnership with National University
Local Specialty Construction Company
Red I began working with this small business in April of 2007. The company was still paying its bills from 2006, even though work was busy and income was on track to at least double by the end of the year. The company, however, had no budget and their estimator didn't even know how much money he had to make each day in order to pay all the bills. Bills were rarely paid on time, and the company was paying over $1200 each month just on credit card interest.
We began with two two-hour meetings each week to go over income and outgo. Over the course of about six months, all the bills were being paid on time, and a budget was in place. The savings in late fees was more than the fee that Red I charged for this project.
Red I not only helps you recognized where your money is going, but provides accountability to help you stop spending money on things you don't need. Trust Advisors

Living Trust Advisors markets and sells living trusts, life insurance, and other estate planning needs. Red I has been assisting with business development for LTA since 2004. We have helped develop budgets, recruit representatives, and develop business strategies.